My 'Best of 2012': Skin-Care

By Jeneille @jinjer25
2012 has been hit and miss in the skin-care department for me. I think earlier up in the year my skin went through a rough patch (no pun) where it became really dry in some places and I experienced some crazy break-outs that left horrible marks. It's calmed down quite a lot since them so I'm extremely happy. Here are my best of 2012. Not necessarily products that were released or launched in 2012 but products that I used and loved this year! The Body Shop Vitamin C line. I've used everything in this line and will continue to use them until they stop working for me. They didn't break me out, cleared up my dark spots and marks and leave my skin looking brighter and clearer. If I had to recommend just three products it would be the Energizing Face Spritz, the powder mix and the Daily cleansing polish. I'm a fan of this entire line though and it contains everything I need including an eye-cream and a facial serum My Clarisonic mia will forever remain the best skin care purchase I've ever made. I've started mixing my products (cleanser, scrub etc) together and applying it with my Mia. Great for those days when your pores need that extra deep cleansing. Clarins Multi-Active Night cream. Great for anyone over 24 and under 30. Uber moisturizing. I tend to switch between this the Oil of Olay Age Defying Night Cream. And that's me for 2012 skin-care. Stay tuned for Body-Care, Cosmetics and Hair-Care