My Avenue 32 Wishlist!

By Beautybliss @BeautyBliss14

Well hellooo there!

I was contacted from a lovely lady to take part in their wishlist campaign and I thought it would be fun to join in. Avenue 32 is a luxury women’s fashion online store which boasts a vast amount of gorgeous and stylish clothes! Of course, as it’s a luxury store it is a little out of my price range (and I’m sure a lot of my readers too!) but it’s always fun to compose a wishlist, so I got stuck in! And hey, if we happen to find a big bag of money somewhere, we know where to head now! (If you do find a big bag of money, it’s probably best to tell the police first haha!).

My favorite item is the Huishan Zhang dress. It’s elegant, classy and can still be styled to be more edgy, possibly with the plum coloured furry jacket included in the wish list. I can imagine this stealing the show at a posh event (even though I never tend to go to anything posh, I’m a right country bumpkin). 

I also bloomin’ love the trousers, which I can imagine pairing with a casual slouchy black top/jumper on shopping trips and just general casual kinda days! The jumper I included would look pretty swish with them too, paired with those gorgeous royal blue Chelsea boots – yes please! 

And to add a splash of colour, I added the neon orange bag, on trend and perfect for spring. I would happily carry this beauty around with me all day! I think it belongs to be with me in my life, right now!

So there you have it, my Avenue 32 wishlist. Would you pick any  of the things I chose? Have a peek over at their site here and see what you would fancy?