My Answer to Indian Ocean

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Models Own Beth's Blue & Pearly Queen, £5 each
You will probably remember that I recently mentioned Models Own Indian Ocean in a nail polish wishlist and have been drooling over the beautiful shade for the past few months, although I am on a nail polish buying ban as I already have way too many and have just been using up my current polishes.  Fast forward to last night when I was trying to decide which polish to wear next (always such a toughie!) with me eventually going for Beth's Blue, a gorgeous lilac toned blue, as I haven't been wearing much blue lately. After another quick raid in my nail polish drawer I came across Pearly Queen which had been long forgotten about but on a whim I decided to layer it over the blue, and boy am I glad I did! I couldn't believe how similar this combination looked to the famous Indian Ocean and although it is missing some sparkle, I definitely do think it is hugely comparable. The pearlescent finish of Pearly Queen creates a lovely lilac and pink shimmer which was hard to catch on camera but I promise that its there. All in all I'm so glad I came across this nail combo and very happy that I can finally have my own version of Indian Ocean on my nails! What do you think of this combo?