My 5 Essentials for Productivity

By Hanna

In London it is that time of year when it is starting to get very dark in the evenings…. all the time, the weather is mostly miserable and everyone is even grumpier. It is this time of year where I would much rather wrap myself in blankets and drink copious amounts of tea – the perfect pairing for not really being very productive at all.

It is really a wonder that I managed to give myself the motivation to do anything last year, especially as I was in a long distance relationship as M was in Nepal. But, the world waits for nobody, so here are my five essentials for productivity when you are feeling your most unproductive:

A girl can only dream! Source: Google Images

  1. Make as many lists as humanly possible. Lists are life savers – but in a numerically ordered disguise. From shopping lists to making the final suitcase packing list to be reunited with your long distant love, there is a list for everything. By making your mind feel a bit more ordered you can concentrate on one task at a time.
  2. Buy new beautiful stationary. A list is not complete without a trip to Paperchase! With new pens, notepads and journals you may as well be the boss of productivity. Nothing makes me feel more productive that a new year diary so I can start putting in my important dates. It helped my time apart from M speed up as everyday that passed was a day closer to my trip top Nepal!
  3. Planning small goals. When you are making goals it is important to keep them small and manageable. When I had the date for my flights so far in advance I felt impatient everyday that time was not passing quickly enough. Make sure you make small goals in between so you feel like you are making progress
  4. Prioritize free time and have lots of fun. Surely you are thinking how is this one at all productive? But time flies when you are having fun! By allowing yourself some fun time off then you will come back to your perseverance fresh faced and ready to keep going.
  5. Eat dalbhat. It is impossible to be productive on an empty stomach! Any food and every food is a must for brain power and that general smugness after eating a good meal. But, if you are really looking for a food that will sustain you and power you through then it is traditional Nepali dalbhat. There is a reason that Nepalis eat dalbhat for breakfast and then are able to labour in the fields all day till evening. I cannot really compare with eating dalbhat for breakfast and then sitting in front of my laptop till evening – but you get the drift!

Dal Bhat power 24 hour!

Readers – What are your productivity musts in order to get something done? Do you have any specifically for waiting to be reunited in a long distance relationship? Share your experiences in a comment below! 

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