Must Have Media Players

Posted on the 17 February 2013 by Geekybrains @sreekanth_br

best media players

Clementine Music Player :  Simply superb ! Nice interface. You can easily add media libraries. It is very easy to create playlists here. I love the "fading duration" feature in this music player.
VLC : All of my friends use this as it is very simple. In fact they learned all keyboard shortcuts for VLC and even tried them on other players and failed.
My favorite features of VLC include subtitle integration, 'always on top' and 'effects & filters'.  With Always on top feature you can watch a video while working with other windows.Nice feature for multi-tasking.
VLC works fine on Linux, Windows, Mac, iOS and Android .VLC plays most of the file types which makes it number one media player.Even if you already have VLC in your Computer, try to get a latest VLC download.
Banshee Media Player : Banshee is my best companion.It plays all of my favorite songs for me while i blog.It perfectly fits on my Mint tray making the menu panel beautiful.
Banshee comes for  Linux, Mac and Windows.
XBMC Media Center : Don't miss this ! XBMC is a good alternative for Windows media center. Read about XBMC media center features here