Muscle Building Exercises

By Mia_patterson

The Top 7 Muscle Building Exercises

An effective workout comprises doing a number of sets of different muscle building exercises. Many people waste valuable time in the gym because they don’t know how to construct a proper work out. If you are looking to gain muscle and strength, choosing the right muscle building exercises will save you time, money and effort. The exercises below are the best for building muscle and should be incorporated into any good workout program.

Muscle Building Exercises

1. Squats.
Muscle Building ExercisesSquats are the best of the top muscle building exercises. They are performed with a barbell and if available on a squat rack. Not only do squats build up massive leg muscles, they also work on most of the muscles of the upper body if you get your posture correct. If you are not doing squats you are missing out on the fastest way to build muscle.
2. Deadlifts.
Muscle Building Exercises
Deadlifts are another barbell only exercise that will have you packing on muscle mass very fast while building your overall body strength quickly. They work miracles for anyone looking to get six pack abs. Rated as a close second to squats in terms of building multiple muscle groups, deadlifts are an absolute must if you want to spend your time effectively in the gym.

3. Bench Press.
Muscle Building ExercisesThere are many very effective forms of bench press including the flat bench barbell press, the flat bench dumbbell press, the incline bench barbell press and the incline bench dumbbell  press. They all form the staple muscle building exercise for building upper body muscle mass and upper body strength. Very effective due to the number of different muscle groups they engage for a lift. Increase your bench press and you will notice great increases in many other upper body exercises.
4. Pull ups.
Muscle Building ExercisesAn excellent muscle building exercise that uses your body weight, pulls up are very effective for building your back, biceps and shoulders. To realize how effective pull ups are you will notice that even the fittest and strongest lifters can only do a few pull ups. Start out slow but try and increase the number of pull ups you can do every week. You will notice a big difference.
5. Overhead Press.
Muscle Building Exercises
Another solid choice of exercise, the overhead press works the shoulders and arm muscles making it a very effective way to spend your time in the gym. There are many variations of the overhead press (sometimes called the military press) which can be done with either barbells or dumbbells.
6. Dips.

Dips are performed on a parallel bar dipping station. They use your body weight as the resistance and are another excellent way to build up a strong and muscular upper body. Dips work the chest, shoulders and triceps very effectively.

7. Rows.

This challenging muscle building exercise is probably the best upper back exercise there is. Rows can be done with both barbells and dumbbells. The old fashioned T-bar rows are still a very effective way of building the upper back as are seated cable rows.

You will notice that most of these exercises are performed using either barbells, dumbbells or your body weight as resistance. Avoid machine and cable exercises as much as possible as they never come close in effectiveness to free weight exercises.
You can find out more about building muscle quickly while burning fat from Build Muscle and Lose Fat by Eating Plants by Chris Willitts, the creator of V3