MUA Nail Polish

By Sammycx @sammycx

I’m obsessed with pink nail vanish. I have so many pink nail vanishes in loads of different shades. A few weeks ago I picked up this MUA nail vanish from Superdrug, it cost be £1 and it’s a brilliant nail polish!!  The colour is gorgeous especially for summer, it doesn’t chip easily and you only need 2 coats, some cheap nail vanishes require more than 2 coats. The only disadvantage is the brush. Sometimes the vanish goes streaky when you first apply it and it makes you think it will dry like that but once its dry its fine, I think if the brush was redesigned it would be a lot easier to apply. MUA nail polish comes in lots of different colours which I will definitely be trying out, for £1 it’s a bargain!! 

Mua Nail Vanish-Shade 20 £1 from Superdrug