MUA Glitter Eyeliner- Sequin Queen, City of Gold, Iced

By Arzoo Sharma @prettynhealthy

MUA Glitter EyelinerPrice: £1 (Rs. 98)

Girls love all things sparkly and glittery! Don't you? Well, I get attracted to any thing bling pretty quick, this is what got me attracted me to these MUA glitter eyeliners.

Packaging: MUA glitter eyeliners comes in a transparent plastic tube with a long handle and the applicator is a bit stiff and pointy which picks up right amount but you may need to dig the tube multiple times with the applicator to pick the right amount of liner and glitter.The eyeliners have a liquid consistency which gives even application but city of gold has a bit thicker consistency (or it may be due to the stiff brush). The liners takes only 30-60 seconds to dry completely making only the glitters visible on eyes and the liner stays for around 3-4 hours after which it fades making only few glitters visible on lids here and there. The formula of the liner is not irritating as I haven't seen any itchiness or irritation in my eyes if it gets in there and it comes off pretty easily with a good makeup remover. I really love the effect of these liners since they instantly pop up my eyes and gives it a bling look. The liners can also be used as a top base on eye shadow for the glittery effect they give. I think the liners would give a good coverage and precise line if used with a liner brush as the brush of these liners is not that good.

Sequin Queen: It's a pretty purple shade with silver glitter particles. Need 2-3 swipes to build the color and a solid line of glitter!

City of Gold: Bling golden color with gold glitter! It gives a good color pay off with a single swipe but for that intense bold glitter look, you will need to build up the liner in 2-3 swipes, for me city of gold works good in one single swipe.

Iced: The liner with least coverage. It does not show unless you go on building it in 4-5 swipes, it just shows some silver glitter being spread on the lids. It would look good if you use it on top of black liner to bring some silver bling effect in your eyes.

All the colors are pretty gorgeous and I like City of Gold the most among all these 3 shades and love to use it on top of my black liner or just on bare lids to give my eyes a sparkly bling effect.

My silver glitter liner dried up so the swatch is not much visible!

BML Rating: 3.5/5

Have you tried these MUA Glitter Eyeliners? What do you think of them? Like or not!