Mua: 3 Products for £2

By Misspenelope90 @MissPenelope90
hey everyone, ive got so many blog posts in mind its ridiculous, anyway, these products i brought yesterday at superdrug with my friend, the post is here. they have a 3 for 2 on atm aswell, so i brought 3 products from mua each at £1, and i got them for £2, good or what? so the 3 products i got was: mua blush in shade 1 mua lipstick in shade 13 mua eye pencil in shade snow white first off mua blusher: (without flash) (with flash) to be honest, i don't own a lot of blushes, so i thought well why not buy another, and this one stood out the most to me, and when you put it on its so pretty, its a lovely bright pink color with a pretty sparkle, but its so blendable, it lasts quite along time and you can add more and more depending how bright you want it, because it can get very bright! next is mua lipstick:                                     (without flash)                                                (without flash)  (without flash) (with flash) you know i love my lipsticks, but i have never brought a true red lipstick, i didn't know wether they would suit me but you know for a pound i was like what the hell, give it a go, so i did, and i really like it, ignore the horrible line around my mouth, you need a good lip-liner with red lipstick to make a real neat line, but i was just testing the colour that's why its abit awful, anyway, the flash doesn't give its true color at all, but at least i know there are to different colours i can achieve with it. it is a true red and amazing, it has a tiny tiny bit of glitter in it aswell which makes it shine in the light but not enough to change it at all. i havent tested the longevity with it yet, but im hoping its good :D and mua white eyeliner in snow white:  well its just like any other white eyeliner really, goes on nice and smoothly, its a lovely bright white and the idea is that its spouse to make your eyes appear wider because it is making the whites of your eyes lengthened, it makes my eyes look like doll eyes, because they are a round shape to begin with, and now there really big aswell, haha. this is me just messing around on the camera with my red lips, i really like them, and it goes well with my black eyeliner that i had on at the time :D can see this becoming a regular thing. love the pin up look :D have you tried any of these products? what do you think of them? xx