Motivational Monday..

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hi Everyone!
I've never really wanted to do the whole 'motivational monday' tag because I hate putting pressure on myself to blog every Monday about something Im not truly passionate about, because I think its fake and I don't want to be fake to any of my AMAZING readers.
SO long story cut short, this is not going to be a weekly thing, this might just be a 'when I truly feel motivated' thing, but I will try and make it on a Monday. Im not THAT random.
ANYWAYS!! My motivational Monday is;-
'Supporting Other Women'  
It is possible that I've done this all wrong, but this is something I really wanted to talk about.
Today on twitter I went on a bit of a rant about over opinionated Katie Hopkins.  On 'This Morning' she referred to someone as 'you look like a zebra in a wig'.  First and foremost, how dare she make fun of anyone wearing a wig? what if that woman had Cancer? Lukaemia? Alopecia? that's certainly nothing to laugh about and I find her attitude as a whole, disgusting.  Katie Hopkins is a prime example of what we, as women, shouldn't be doing.
Us women get a bad rep at times, mainly from other women - but why? why should we all rip each other to shreds? why do we talk so derogatorily about each other when in fact we should be supporting each other? Gone are the days when women would burn bra's to stand up for feminist issues and instead we are greeted with bitterness and jealousy of our sisters. 
Take a look at Miley Cyrus.  So many women are calling her names, making her out to be a bad person because she chooses to express herself the way that she does. Miley can be seen twerking her bum off at many an event and mounting a wrecking ball in her music video, but instead of supporting Miley for expressing herself, and making her voice heard, us women are battling against each other and calling her out because of it. Jealousy? Bitterness? All of the above!
While im not making Miley out to be a suffragette, she certainly isn't the anti christ, and it's just an example of how we women talk about each other! I've done it myself, commented on how short someones skirt is, conspiring that someone slept with her boss to get to the top - we've all done it, and all will have times when we do it in the future, but all in all, wouldn't it be better to support one another? If we were all sisters, we would encourage one another, and shout down anyone who dared to bring negativity to her. Why are we all doing the opposite now? we're allowing pressures of being 'perfect' to make us insanely jealous of any other woman who looks prettier, earns more and has more friends than you do! 

If we all would take a good hard look in the mirror, I think we all would realize we have insecurities that we sometimes take out on other women.  Katie Hopkins has made a living out of having extreme views and being outspoken, but I respect her right to have an opinion, I respect that she has gotten far in life. What I don't respect is that in order to get that name for herself, she felt the need to make fun of another woman - so before we all go on with commenting on our friend's new boyfriend looking conveniently a lot like your ex boyfriend, embrace your inner feminist and remember it's not all about you...or me.

Let go of your insecurities and embrace your inner feminist. The sisterhood needs you!xxxxxxx