Motivation Monday: Staying Faithful

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
What do you do when your faith is challenged? Do you pray? Do you run? Do you reach out to others and perhaps find a bit of hope, an extra dose of faith, or words of encouragement to keep you moving forward.
We all have road bumps in our life and right now I am on a journey that is a roller coaster ride and not so much fun. I keep hitting "walls" but I know I am on the right path. I know I should be doing this but the paperwork required is a huge challenge that is trying to get my to throw up my hands in defeat.
To bring you all up to speed, dear hubby and I were married civilly and I want the marriage blessed by the church. In all reality, I wanted it years ago when we got married but was afraid of the paperwork and/or process. Procrastination and avoidance pays off and may have made my journey harder. So in a nutshell, I am getting witness affidavit's from Scotland, trying to track down and obtain a baptism certificate from Scotland from a church that seems to have no email, and need a marriage certificate from his first marriage. And yes, I will also need a copy of my baptism certificate but fortunately that church is in Michigan.
Why am I telling you all this? Because life is full of challenges and sometimes we try to avoid them and later regret it (as in my case). I feel I have been called by God to make things right in my heart and do what I wanted to do years ago but didn't do because I feared the paperwork. It really has left me carrying a heaviness with me throughout the years and perhaps that heaviness within me is negatively impacting my marriage and my family's happiness.
And no, I do not want to be a "Debbie downer" (an expression I just heard on the radio this morning and loved). My point is that sometimes things in life are indeed tough. Sometimes we want to give up. Sometimes we want to stop running that marathon at mile 21 but we shouldn't....unless there is a serious health issue...just had that disclaimer. We need to dig deep, have faith, and continue pushing because at the end of that portion of our journey we will see the beauty of it all. And then....the next journey begins!
Have faith! We can all overcome our obstacles in life we just need to remember, things do not always occur on our time but at the perfect time.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful dear hubby has family willing to help with the paperwork and witness affidavit.
Daily Bible Verse: Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. ~ Romans 14:13