One Lesson I Learned the Hard Way
One lesson that took me a particularly long time to learn over the course of a particularly arduous internal battle was that I cannot trust my mother. I don't write that lightly. Just the mere act of stating what I stated is enough to cause Familial War XXIV. However, I made a agreement with myself to always be honest on this blog (and in my life), so here we are.
In the years since learning my lesson, things have become much simpler for me in my dealings with my mother. I know my boundaries, I clearly lay out my boundaries, I stick to my boundaries. As even the word "boundary" is met with near violent derision by her, my simpler life has made her life as my mother more difficult. I can no longer be gaslighted, I am no longer intimidated, I no longer let my guard down with her. When those are your basic interpersonal tools and your tools no longer work, life gets difficult. Part of learning this lesson has been becoming comfortable with the fact that I am not responsible for those difficulties. I am responsible for me and my son solely. Simple.
I wish I had learned this lesson far earlier in my life. I could've avoided so much pain and heartache. However, I am the sum of my experiences and I like who I am now and who I am becoming. I learned the lesson, however long and hard it was coming, and for that I am grateful and satisfied. Perhaps it was the long and hard that made the lesson so worthwhile.