What Currently Excites Me?
Bernie Sanders. He's a sentence of his own.
I grew up extraordinarily conservative. Though I didn't think it possible, my parents have gotten even more so with time and age, now identifying as part of the infamous Tea Party. Conversely, I've gone on to completely shame them by growing into a flaming liberal. We could not be more different when it comes to our politics (and, in fairness, most other things, as well).
That pride and enthusiasm for a democratic socialist makes us quite popular in our very red state of Arizona, as you can imagine. We get dirty looks regularly and I even once got "dirty lesbian" comment as a woman walked by me while I wore my rainbow Bernie shirt. This is how I know he's hitting a nerve and it's one of the skillion reasons I love him so.
I could go on about why I #feeltheBern rather than #standwithher, but Sarah Silverman has said it all for me, so I'll leave you with this: