More Holiday Stories

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
This happened last weekend when we did the long drive home from Sydney Airport. We weren’t looking forward to the long return flight but thankfully, it was a night flight so everybody pretty much fell asleep right away. It is about a 3.5 hour drive from Sydney to the Hunter where we are. Sans traffic jam, that is. We were stuck in Sydney traffic for about 2 hours. *&@#*&!^@%# I was asking Husband every 10 minutes if we made it out of Sydney already.
We had half a tank of fuel but because we were stuck in traffic (and in the wrong lanes half the time), it was difficult to get out of the queue to get into the servo to pump up. Once we finally got onto the freeway, we were so happy and overwhelmed with liberation that we didn’t want to stop and get petrol. We were sure there would be one just round the corner. And sure enough, we forgot about it and continued speeding on in our flight of freedom. Then… the petrol light came on. Major panic came on. There was no way I wanted to be stuck by the side of the freeway with 2 kids (one of them a screaming, hungry baby). We searched for the nearest servo on the navman. 6kms away to the nearest one. And we had to go backwards towards Sydney again. Major FFS, I tell you. We made it to that servo with much panic (and crossed fingers). Then, we realised there were quite a few in that area and not just that 6km one. That made us wonder if the stupid navman had pranked us by not detecting other servos that were closer to our location?
Anyway, Husband read my IBOT post (here) which briefly mentioned his Popped Shoulder episode. He claimed that my short paragraph did not do that exciting episode any justice and requested a proper story. And as it happened in the last week (sort of), he argued that it should qualify for my FFS Friday Hall of Fame. So here it is, from my Husband’s point of view but told in my own words.
I had a shoulder injury years ago and knew I was at risk of popping it out again. Everything was going great on this fine, sunny day when I went cable ski-ing and there was this guy just in front of me (as you can see in the video below). When he was about to hit the ramp and do a jump, his friends by the bank of the river were yelling “Backflip! Backflip! Backflip!”. What a disappointment, that bloke. He didn’t do a backflip. So when it was my turn to hit the ramp, I thought I should get on with the show and attempt one. You can see in the video how magnificent it all looked. But alas, all good things come to an end and I hit the water. Hard. With my wrong arm. And realised I popped my shoulder. When I was struggling back to the bank, the guy in front of me who didn’t do the backflip asked me: “What were you trying to do???” The guys who came to help me also asked me “What were you trying to do????” WHAT?? Couldn’t they tell I was trying to do a BACKFLIP????????
Disclaimer: My husband did later claim (and still insists to this day) that he didn’t hear the people going “Backflip! Backflip! Backflip!”. He claimed that he wasn’t even trying to do a backflip and that he was merely “grabbing” his board. I remain unconvinced and so yes, I have tweaked his story according to what I BELIEVE. (Lucky my Husband is always up for a good laugh LOL)
Happy weekend everyone! Linking up with Sarah @ for our weekly rants :)