Monopolies Are Bad For Nevadans, Here’s Why

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife
This post is sponsored by Nevada Speaks.

I have loved living in Nevada for the past 2 years. It’s such a cool state, full of beauty, history, recreation, and of course, Las Vegas (where I’m living currently)!
The cost of living is relatively low (at least compared to where I lived before moving to Nevada). I’ve lived in a few apartments here, and my boyfriend and I are currently in the process of moving into a house. It’s exciting! But, there’s a problem. Monopolies. And I’m not talking about the board game. You don’t get to collect $200. It’s more like you have to give away that $200, to the ONE energy company available in Nevada. With the energy monopolies, Nevadans have no choice in which company/service they use. Without competition, Nevadans have to pay whatever the energy company says. Don’t want to pay it? Fine, but you won’t have any power. The options are: pay what you’re told, or live in a powerless apartment/house. Let’s be real, that’s not a fair choice. So we are stuck paying possibly hundreds of dollars a month on our electric bill. With no competition, this energy company is free to charge whatever they want. They don’t have to worry about us going to a different company… because there isn’t one!

It’s clear: more competition = lower rates.

#YesOn3 #YesQuestion3

  • What are your thoughts on monopolies? Are we better with them, or without them? Comment below!

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