Monday Reflections – 6 August 2018

By Whatsheread

Happy Sunday Monday! This weekend got away from me a bit with tax-free shopping and Holly’s birthday and a meeting for new high school student-athletes and a photo shoot and a company picnic. It was a fun weekend but busy.

So, yes, lots of things going on these days. Holly starts her three-week “Prep” camp for dance. She will be learning her new team dances as well as attending team-only classes for a three-week technique intensive in all dance genres. Some of the classes are during the day, so it will be rather hectic for the next three weeks.

Meanwhile, Connor is doing his own preparations in the evenings this week, as he heads back to Ames on Saturday. It has been wonderful having him home, but I believe we are all ready for him to go back to school. He has his own way of doing things now that does not necessarily mesh well with ours and has caused some friction this summer. Plus, he loves Ames and he will be rooming with three good friends from marching band. I know he is anxious to get back to that life, and I don’t blame him. That is what growing up and creating your own life means.

While that is happening, Jim is a busy bee at work. He recently lost a key employee at a time when he is busier than ever, which means that he has had to pick up some of the slack until he can fill that position. He leaves early and is coming home a bit later than normal. Plus, once he is home and settled, he is almost always on his laptop squeezing in more work. I know he loves being this busy though, so there is no real room for complaints.

I continue to flit around as Holly’s main chauffeur, household chef, and chief laundress on top of my day job. There are some rumblings at this said job which is causing some stress, plus we are so busy that there is no end to the number of proverbial fires that pop up in a given day. As customer demand exceeds our current capacities, I imagine those fires becoming that much more frequent and hot. My role does not have to deal with most of the issues the company seems to face, but I get some of the blowbacks and try to do what I can to keep all parties as well-informed with numbers and key financial information as possible. It makes for days that are anything but monotonous even though they can be long and tiring. It will most definitely be an interesting autumn if certain rumblings play out as expected. In an odd way, I am looking forward to that.

There is not much reading occurring these days. The focus has been on other things in recent weeks. I still manage to sneak in a few pages whenever I can during the day and a chapter or two right before bed, but the evenings of doing nothing but reading seem to have fallen by the wayside for now. I imagine once Connor is gone and we are all settled into Holly’s new schedule, that should change. I never stress about these things anyway because it is like life. There are ebbs and flows to reading just as there is to everything else in this life of ours. Worrying about ebbs only makes the situation worse and causes undue stress. Let’s face it; we all have enough stress thanks to the yahoos in D.C. right now that we do not need to make things worse.

I wish everyone a happy Monday and hope you all have a wonderful work week and fabulous weekend. I’ll see you back here next time!


Here are past posts from the last few weeks in case you missed them the first time:

  • It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 23 July 2018
  • Lululemons are pretentious
  • The Neverworld makes you think
  • Fabulous Friday – 27 July 2018
  • Are you ready to read?
  • What’s for Dinner? – Week Starting 21 July 2018
  • It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 30 July 2018
  • A Peach is food for your soul
  • The Ever After proves that being a happily one takes a lot of work
  • Eden Conquered is exactly what you expect
  • Fabulous Friday – 3 August 2018
  • What’s for Dinner? – Week Starting 28 July 2018
  • It’s Monday! What Are You Reading – 6 August 2018


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