Monday Reflections – 15 October 2018

By Whatsheread

Hello, my lovelies!

It is a beautiful sunny autumnal day here in southwestern Wisconsin, which means I have absolutely no desire to work today. We have waited too long for this type of weather. Plus, we need at least a month to dry out from all the rain.

We are keeping on keeping on around here. Holly had her last Football Poms routine this past Friday. She now gets a week break before she heads into Competition Poms practice and season. Competition dance rehearsals keep her busy during the weekend, and her regular dance classes keep her away from home almost every night of the week. So far, she is doing an excellent job of juggling her time, even if it means she has had one or two late nights in order to do so. I never hear her complain though, which is not only a good sign but important because it shows us that she recognizes that she is the master of her own schedule. It will be interesting to watch her reactions as the winter season approaches and her free time dwindles even more due to dance competitions.

Jim loves work, and so does Cletus. Jim takes him almost every day, and he comes home absolutely exhausted from a busy day of playing with other dogs, running around the yard, begging for treats, and napping. It is actually quite cute to see. Plus, he has SO much energy that this means he is actually manageable in the evenings. There is a definite difference in Cletus when he stays home versus when he goes to work. As a 100+ pound puppy, I much prefer exhausted Cletus. He doesn’t know his own strength, nor does he have any spatial recognition when it comes to body parts. Tallulah is not a fan of work. She gets too anxious whenever Jim has to leave her for a meeting. Neither does she show any interest in socializing with the other dogs. For her sake, she stays home and guards the house – an important role in and of itself.

As for me, I’m hanging in there. Work is still crazy. Changes are coming but until upper management announces them, we are all in holding patterns, and that is one of the biggest points of frustration right now. It never ceases to surprise me though how mentally exhausting being a proponent of change or a keeper of secrets is. I go home every night completely wiped from the strain. I am also heading into my busy season, which is never fun. Still, we manage to have fun in the office, and my coworkers are a great group of people.

For now, all three of us relish the limited downtime we have while enjoying everything as it comes, which is all Jim and I can do as Holly hits her stride and starts stretching her wings. We know that this craziness that is our life right now will end all too quickly, so as tired as I am and as stressful as it can be to balance home, work, dogs, and daughter, we don’t wish these days to pass too quickly. The idea of being an empty nester in four years is too freaky right now anyway.

I hope everyone is staying sane and enjoying the weather if possible. Don’t forget to double-check your voter registration status so that you can vote on November 6th! Every single vote counts!


Here are past posts from the last few weeks in case you missed them the first time:


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