Monday Motivation: Your Weekly Career Links

Posted on the 26 August 2013 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

Yesterday I sent out a free chapter of my new book to my newsletter list and the response has been overwhelming! Thank you! There was definitely that last minute fear that no one would like the content right before I hit the send button. But, it looks like it is going to be a hit and will really help you!  YAY!  If you haven’t yet, make sure you join my newsletter list at the top right of my site to get a free chapter of The Professional Women’s Guide to Male Management expected to be published Oct-13.  I can’t wait!

I also announced in my newsletter that I am holding a free training call THIS WEDNESDAY called “Is Now The Right Time To Make a Career Change In Order to Become a Successful Executive?” I hope you will join me if you are sick of your job that isn’t going anywhere and tired of letting others pass you by.  I actually worked on the presentation last night and I am really really going to be opening up live on the call and telling you exactly how stuck in my previous job I really was.  And then I am going to tell you step-by-step how I got out of it and into a career I loved. I am actually going to share some things I have never shared before so make sure you sign up!  Sign up here.

Here are your weekly career links to start your week off right: