Monday Motivation: Your Weekly Career Links

Posted on the 11 March 2013 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

I am excited to say that I am over halfway done writing my first book! That means it will be in your hands very soon.  I am starting to get excited about launch the book and getting the word out.  Over the next few months, you can expect more information from me about how you can get involved and be part of my team as a I go forward and spread the word!

P.S. It’s a big week in the Get Ahead Club and you definitely want to join us here if you haven’t yet!  On Tuesday, I am interviewing Dondi Scumaci, Author of Career Moves, about how to plan and organize your future career moves for success.  And later this week, I am holding special “Ask Anna” group coaching calls so that you can ask me your questions personally!  Learn more about how to join us in the club here.

Here are your weekly career links to start your week off right:

“There is no security in life, only opportunity.”- Mark Twain