Monday Motivation: Your Weekly Career Links

Posted on the 29 October 2012 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

This week is going to be another awesome week!  Why? Because tomorrow is my Get Your Career Unstuck webinar at 8pm EST.  I really hope that you will be joining me! I can’t wait!  You can sign up for the webinar and other free videos and worksheets at  Also, I just put up the last video of my three part video series so now you have access to these three videos:

  1. 10 secrets to get out of your career rut
  2. The 5 biggest job search mistakes
  3. Why applying to jobs online just doesn’t work anymore

If you have time, try to watch the videos and complete the worksheets before our webinar tomorrow. You will be happy you did!  But, if you don’t have time, no worries! I will be reviewing some of the material to get you caught up anyways.

Last week was so fun traveling to UC Merced with my mom to speak to students about networking. I will definitely be sharing all the photos with you later this week but here is a sneak peek – Check out my mom’s blog, My Vintage Journeys.

And thanks again to Carrie at Careful Cents for the interview last week about balancing work and life as a classy career girl.  She asked me some great questions like why I started this blog, how to work a side hustle and a full time job and future plans for classy career girl. You can check out the interview here.

Here are your weekly career links to start your week off right:

“Each time we face a fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.” -Unknown

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