Monday Motivation: Your Weekly Career Links

Posted on the 21 May 2012 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

This weekend I had a blast speaking to a great group of high school girls at Oceanside High School about self-confidence and how to be confident in college.  I was very impressed with these high schoolers already planning ahead and asking me questions about how to network and how to get internships! I also loved the confidence from the girls in the room.  When I asked them where they were going to college, they told me what college they were going to get into.  No fears or doubts for these girls which was AWESOME to hear and reminded me to believe in the big things that I want in my life as well and not to let fear and doubt to get in my way either.

I will be sharing more about my presentation about confidence and the fabulous girls I met later this week!  Even though my presentation was geared towards high school girls, one of the teachers came up to me afterwards and told me that it was perfect for her as well.  So I want to make sure that I share my presentation on the blog as well so that you can hear how to be confident at your work and in your life as well!

So, here are your Monday morning career links to start your week off right!

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen. – Conan O’Brien

Photo Credit: amintirivizuale