Monday Motivation: Introducing Classy Career Girl!

Posted on the 18 July 2011 by Classycareergirl @classycareer
Happy Monday!  Big announcement today!  Classy Career Girl has a face! :)  I have decided to no longer be an anonymous blogger.  You can check out my photo and learn more about me on my about page now.  I am so excited the secret is out!
Another big announcement is that I am now offering coaching!  If you have read my blog for any amount of time you know that I LOVE helping you nail interviews, knock down your networking barriers and find fulfilling careers.  I have a passion to help you all change your career and life so that you are successful, happy and balanced.  If you are interested in a free coaching call, please check out my about page and send me an email at
Remember to stop by Facebook today and share your goal for the week!  Here are your career links to start your week off right!
  1. Summer reading list for students by My colleges and careers. Thanks for including my book recommendation!
  2. The best cities for young professionals by Forbes
  3. How to deal with a boss from a different generation by Adam Rico at Work You Enjoy 
  4. How to become a leader by Corporette
  5. A guide for Summer Interns by Great on the Job.
"The only thing holding you back is your own fear." -Seth Godin
(photo by busy printing)