Monday Motivation: Cheers!

Posted on the 16 May 2011 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

MBA graduation at PLNU

Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  I watched my husband graduate from business school on Saturday.  Yes, that's right I also just graduated from business school a few weeks ago.  We were both crazy MBA students (at different schools) for the past 2.5 years of our lives (but I started first).  Cheers to my husband for all of his hard work and determination!  I can't wait for you to be done with school so that we can eat something other than frozen meals and see each other more than once a weekend.  (OK, I may have exaggerated slightly but you get the point).
  1. Know How to Thrive Before, During and After Job Fairs?  Read this article by Wisebread.
  2. You never know when your next opportunity will be knocking at your door.  Read the 4 tips for doing well in a surprise phone interview by 45 Things.
  3. Comfortable leading meetings?  Read How to host a meeting by Nicole Williams. 
  4. Ever thought of making a career change?  The New Professional gives us tips on changing careers and tells us that we do have the right to change our minds!
  5. Wondering if an MBA is worth it?  Read more at Ms. Career Girl.  My thoughts?  YES!!
Shameless plug: Classy Career Girl now has a free newsletter!  Sign up here for my latest and greatest advice for young professional women.
"I am only 1, but I am 1. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." ~ Edwa