Monday Motivation

Posted on the 18 April 2011 by Classycareergirl @classycareer
Welcome to my weekly post called Monday Motivation! Every Monday morning, I will share with you some of my favorite links around the web. I promise you that these tips will be a great start to your busy week and you will be able to use some of these tips at work or at home this week. Feel free to share in the comments how these tips have helped you or add your own positive and motivating tip!
How was your weekend?  I spent the weekend cleaning out my closet.  After a few trips to Goodwill and the trash, I am very excited about how it is turning out.  I will be writing more about the process this week and I hope it inspires you to do some Spring cleaning as well.
Here are your links to start your week off right!
  1. Excel is used a lot in my workplace. If you are scared of excel, I urge you to read Master Excel in 5 steps from Pretty Young Professional.
  2. When I was young, I was shy and not very confident.  I soon realized that there are benefits to being an introvert.  I love this article about the 7 strengths shy people have from Life Optimizer. 
  3. This week I am attempting to organize my office and email.  I will definitely be reading this article by Lifehacker - Consolidate your email accounts and stop being an email hoarder!
  4. I am always trying to increase my network but want to make sure my connections are genine.  The Monster blog had a great article last week about making genuine connections to build your professional network. 
  5. The Wall Street Journal had a great report last week about Women in the Economy.  To move us women forward, they recommend more mentors, a nationwide leadership wisdom portal, more women on boards and training in profit and loss leadership.  Read more at the WSJ here.
"Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it... that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear."  ~Dale Carnegie
Photo by Digital Cap