Monday Momentum Pushes New Highs into Earnings Week

Posted on the 21 October 2013 by Phil's Stock World @philstockworld

"Earnings and economic data don’t seem as important now. Reasonable PE ratios and dividend yields are passé. Savings will only be achieved through increased speculation in stock markets since that’s all the markets will give you. Traditional savings or other conservative and traditional savings methodologies are not attractive. Liquidity is still all that matters and with Fed Chair Yellen coming in QE and low interest rates should be with us for a long time. The character and demographics of the country will continue to change until it all blows up when the dollar and even its reserve currency status disappears."

There won’t be any debt ceiling battles since they’ll be banned. Government budgets will continue to expand beyond $17 trillion and beyond as long as buyers like the Fed buy what the Treasury must sell.

Dave also says "I’m just talking to myself it appears. But we need to remember our role, which is to make subscribers good rates of return even while raging at the machine."  I suppose we're in the same boat there (see my own weekend commentary in our Member Chat).  

Not only does a rush back to bonds signal a weak economy but oil is down to $100 (as we expected) and gasoline is down to $2.66, which is 15% LOWER than it was in July yet, for example, VLO, who sell refined gasoline products, is UP 20% since July earnings.  OIH (Oil Service ETF, who we are long on), are up 12% despite oil the 10% decline in the price of oil.  COP, who are rumored to sell a few barrels of oil in the average day, are up 15% since July earnings.  

How much sense does this make to you?  When things do not make sense, we prefer to get to CASH and cash, by the way, is a pretty good investment with the Dollar at the bargain-basement price of  79.77, down from 84.96 (6%)…

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