Just look at the happy, happy people celebrating in the streets – looking towards a bright future of lower wages, gutted retirement plans, reduced government services and endless, endless debt payments against which their Government, who were put in place by the IMF and ECB, have mortgaged 136% of the entire value of their nation's assets to the IMF and ECB.
Look hard because it's soon to be the future of Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, France the UK and the US as well as austerity claims a major victory for the bondholders as they twisted the arms of the Greeks until they snapped and then they put the knife in to hold them in place and began twisting the legs until they snapped and then they shoved a "rescue package" down their throats. And to think in the old days we used to have to have a war to destroy another country – how silly – now we can do it with contracts!
Over 40 members of the Greek Parliament from the ruling party chose to be expelled, thrown out unemployed onto the burning streets of a nation with no future – rather than go along with this farce last night. That was 1/4 of the New Democracy Party's Members and 20 of of 153 of PASOK's lawmakers. We can expect those same people, along with the parties that were against this from the start, to call for new elections and run on a platform of overturning this agreement – making the whole thing meaningless – unless the IMF intends to march troops into Athens to enforce the treaty and begin hauling away landmarks.
Our projected $1.33Tn deficit in 2013 has been cut, despite the stimulus, to $901Bn by the President – essentially using the tax increases and spending cuts he promised in September so no surprises there but, as of this morning, Congress has refused to even put his measures up for a vote. Obama is pressing for a new 30 percent minimum tax on people earning more than $1 million annually (the "Buffett Rule") and he wants to let the Bush Tax cuts expire on people earning more than $250,000 a year with a cap on itemized deductions at 28%.
This plus very small increases (too small) in Corporate taxes, increase revenues so much that we are able to add a $350Bn stimulus (to grow the economy and generate more revenues) AND knock $400Bn off the deficit WITH Obama's Health Care program kicking in as well as Obama has cut $2.50 in spending for every dollar in taxes raised – a feat NEVER accomplished before. Will there be applause? Will there be accolades? More likely, there will be a crucifixion…
Without Obama's proposed changes (which should have been passed THIS year but have been shelved by Congress), by the next Presidential campaign in 2016, the US is projected to have $24Tn in debt (up 50%) against a $17Tn GDP for a Greece-beating debt to GDP ratio of 138.9%. At that point, we can expect the Troika to be coming for us – looking to jam a restructuring down our throats. That's the future the GOP will be running towards as they reject Obama's Budget out of hand.
We'll be impressed if the market makes new highs but that's way up at 12,920 on the Dow, 1,355 on the S&P, 2,935 on the Nasdaq, 8,110 on the NYSE and 835 on the Russell and THEN we need to see the SOX and Transports turning around – all preferably WITHOUT the Dollar (now 78.895) crashing through the floor (see Stock World Weekly for chart of that ongoing relationship).
Time for the bulls to put up or shut up – it's going to be an interesting week!