Monday a Very Bright Kotd

By Nhorsman11
Hello Ladies,I hope you all had a great weekend.I did my nails today, a big mish mash of designs.I love the bright colors. I used the new CC Get your Lem-on,The Lime Starts Here, DG Flip Flop Fantasy.I used a bunch of plates so if you reallywant to know I can look for you.I hope you enjoy. I am counting down the days till BM plates get here. I know someof you lucky ones got the fast delivery so I willlive through you until I can get mine. LOL.

I took a pic of my right hand also cuz it's different but it looks like a deranged clawor something, I am trying to get the pic with my left hand and it's not working good. Thanks for droping by and I wish you alla great week.Nicky