Moisture Masks

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
I feel like moisture masks are the in thing these days. Everyone and his wife is bringing one out, not that I am complaining as I love them.
I thought I would give you the low down on some of the ones I have been trying and share my thoughts on them. (I have since added a few more to the collection which I am yet to try)
I will start with my number 1 favourite, the Jurliqure Rose Moisture Plus Mask*. I have raved about this here but just wanted confirm it is still an absolute favorite.
I apply it at night and wake up with the most gorgeous plump skin, any redness has vanished and my skin is glowing. It is a hard one not to love.
Sheet masks are becoming popular and these two from B.liv* I have also talked about before. They are full of hyaluronic acid which is the ingredient at the moment and for very good reason. These masks leave your skin hydrated and you can literally see the skin drink these up.
For a more of a quick fix the Superfacialist Rose Moisture Mask and the Aromatherapy Associates Hydrating Rose Face Mask are good ones. You leave them on for 10 minutes to give your skin a surge of moisture. I don't find these as effective as ones I leave on for longer but great for when I don't have much time but need to treat my parched skin.
I would love to know if you have tried any of these or if you have an recommendations?
*PR Sample