Mirror Image Series (sunrise) Tutorial

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

This tutorial will be the second tutorial in my Mirror Image Series. A mirror image is, "an image or object that is identical in form to another, but with the structure reversed." Therefore, I plan to take images from nature and life and create makeup looks inspired by these images. The looks will be a reflection of what I see in the image. Beauty is more then just external. It comes from within. The beauty found in nature and in life is beauty in pure form. I hope you enjoy this series and the looks I create.

Sunrises are just as beautiful as sunsets! They are a symbol that the current day is beginning. It can serve as a reminder that a new day is here and to make the most of this day. You have the whole day ahead so why not make the most of it. Leave all the negative behind and just enjoy nature's beauty. When I see sunrises, I pause for a moment and think about how I can make today count. I hope you do the same. Life is so busy and chaotic that often times beauty, pure majestic beauty, is missed. I hope the next time you see a sunrise, you pause from all of life's craziness and just enjoy the moment.


I hope you enjoy this look!! If you recreate it, let me know in the comments below. Remember to stop, pause, and think positive the next time you see a sunrise. If you want more, click here to see my Sunset Mirror Image look!