Mint Fashion Trend

By Girlratesworld @girlratesworld

Say “Hello Spring!” with Mint

Without a doubt, mint is the must-have shade for Spring. Often overlooked, mint is refreshing, cool, uplifting and peaceful. In many cultures the shade represents rebirth. Yet another reason why you should be investing in a few great minty pieces for the Spring.

Spring and Mint: The Basics

Mint pairs great with magenta, pink, gold, nude, yellow and white. Consider adding a few minty pieces to your wardrobe this spring: incorporate a mint clutch, mint blazers or a simple mint summer dress. This color looks great on every skin tone and can instantly rejuvenate even the most ordinary look to something spectacular.

Mint Must-Haves

Here are a few of my minty must-have picks for this year’s mint fashion trend. Tell me which pieces you like the most? Don’t forget mint nail polish. They are another great way to add a little mint to your life.