Mini Tennis Mastery

By Jen Campbell @TennisLife_Mag

Mini Tennis Mastery!

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I don't know about you... but mini tennis used to frustrate the hell out of me!

I watched the pros, and even those really good junior players play tennis from the service line... and they look so smooth. It looks easy.

When I used to try, it was anything but smooth and easy. The ball flew everywhere!

Then, I started taking lessons with some of the best coaches in the world and I discovered the problem!

They were all saying the same thing "it's the same stroke as you use from the baseline... just hit it softer".

That clearly wasn't working.

Then I discovered 3 secrets that allowed me to BEGIN to turn mini tennis into a FUN, helpful way to improve my strokes, rhythm, timing, etc.

I explain those 3 things in this video! Check it out!