Mini Sclera Phantasee Black Titan Lens Review + Coupon

By Mariyamokshina
Hello Lovelies! VERY excited to do this review since its my FIRST ever MINI SCLERAS. I was scared and intimidated to try them not only since they are my first black lenses but also because thy are the BIGGEST lenses I have. here is my personal opinion and findings ! ^-^
PURCHASED FROM: UniqsoPRICE: $17.90NATURAL EYE COLOR: Greenish-grey with yellow centerSTATS:

Base Curve8.6mm

Color TonesBlack

Diameter17mm (WOW!)


Replacement Period6 months

Water Content38%

COLOR & DESIGN: 3/5Very black! I have never looked so much like a doll before, these are AMAZING for the ultimate Uzzlang look.  the center of these lenses is very abrupt and no"blend" but that what also makes these lenses so unique. I natural color peeked out and made my eyes look ever so mysterious and shiny!
ENLARGEMENT: 6/5These are just awesome. I LOVE big lenses and these are the biggest ever.  Very happy!
COMFORT:  4/5When I first put these lenses in, I did not even notice them, they slid right in without any difficulty or stinging. I really liked  that because I usually wait till I'm done with my make up to put lenses in. Some other lenses make my eyes water once I first put them in but not these! I also have to mention that they felt kind of "breathable", giving my eyes oxygen. They started to dry out after a  few hours, so I had to use my rotho c cube eye drops. I would not recommend wearing them for longer than 4 hours at first and let your eyes gradually get used to how big they are. (increasing wear time by an hour every time you wear them)
NATURALNESS:   2/5Not natural, not on my eyes anyways, but if you have dark color eyes these will blend better with you pupil hole. 
OVERALL SCORE: 4/5I think these lenses are one of the most unique and dolly looking ones ever. Definitely more of a cosplay lens or your ultimate uzzlang lens! I rate then as a 4/5 because I wish the pupil blend was more gradual. You can make a hot and sexy goth look by just adding red lipstick. MUAH 
Mini Black Scleras
My readers get 10% DISCOUNT off any order from UNIQSO online circle lens beauty store. Click >>>HERE<<< and Enter Code MARIYA @ Checkout ^-^

Photoshoot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lol

Hope this review helps!