Milk The Blog Review

Posted on the 08 May 2015 by Nick Creighton @starshomejob


Milk The Blog - Earn Money Blogging Review

Overall Rating:

What Is

Milk the blog is a website that offers you money to about whatever you want to blog about. There is a minimum limit of 100 words in order to post to the website.

You will receive $0.01 For every page view of your blog post. For every comment you receive on your post you will receive $0.02.

Just looking at getting a penny a view may not seem like a lot. So I would like to put it into a better perspective. Receiving a penny per view is actually a pretty good price.

If you receive 100 views that will turn into $1.00. If you receive 1000 views you will receive $10.00.

Do you know how easy it is to hit 1000 views off of just a single post? It's extremely easy!

Think about when you go onto your social media account let's say for instance, think about how many people follow you. Just to make it easier to understand lets say you have 100 followers.

You make a post on Milk The Blog and then post it to your twitter account. Now all 100 of your followers view your post and the like it so now they retweet it.

Now you can at the least triple the views because your followers have now retweeted it and their followers are viewing it.

You have already just made $1.00 for writing 100 words and posting to twitter. I didn't even mention if you add a trending hashtag to it so think of how many people view it now with a hashtag.

Also you have to put into consideration the traffic that comes to people that come to read other peoples posts and the other bloggers showing support to others.

I hope this all makes sense because the possibilities of this opportunity are endless. You can make an excellent income from this if you write some great content.


  • Very easy to make extra money
  • You do not have to be an experienced writer
  • Make money for views and receiving comments


    The website is not to known yet so not a lot of monthly traffic yet.(This could also be a good thing though)

Who is this for

This a great website for everyone that wants to try and become a blogger. You can be a beginner, intermediate, or an advanced writer.

This is a great site to start off with. Instead of going out and spending money on a domain, hosting, and spending all the time to build your website you just sign up and start blogging.

It may give you that boost in confidence that will make you go out and start your own blog or give you the money you need in order to start your own blog.

It will also help get your name recognized. If you put out great content it will not be ignored you will definitely be compensated and acknowledged for your work.


Whether you are a beginner or an expert writer/blogger this is a great opportunity for anybody. This will put extra cash in your pocket. As well as get your name out on the web and the blogger community.

All in all I would highly recommend this website to anyone looking for extra money. If you have ever had the thought of starting your own blog and do not have or want to spend the money it takes to start one this is a great place to start off with.

You could end up making the money you need to get your own personal domain, hosting, and custom template in order to start your own blog and make some great money and maybe turn it into your career.

This is an excellent opportunity and I think everyone should at least give this a shot. If this sounds like something your interested in then click the signup link below. Good Luck!
