Mike Gordon: Website Overhaul, Interview on "Rock and Roll, Yeah!"

Posted on the 20 March 2013 by Hctf @hctf
photo: Rene Huemer

Bass player Mike Gordon has a revamped website:

A website is like a tooth. You brush it, floss it. One day it has to be filled, another day extracted. When you have it in palm, you can put it under the pillow for the dental fairy. If brushes don’t work well, there’s also proxy brushes – going lingual is more affective than going distal! There are whiteners, desensitizers, and stickers to allow you to write your friends notes across your front teeth. You can straighten, polish, crown it, or drill all the way to the tip of the root. So welcome aboard my new colon slash slash digs! The owls are invisible now, but like big brother they are watching. It’s a whole new world.

Mike Gordon and hi guitarist Scott Murawski were interviewed <em<=""> to discuss their latest project.

» mike-gordon