Middle of the Week Update: Sunflower #2

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Progress for this week has been good, and I feel like I’m finally starting to move along on this project.

I’m almost finished with the first page of the second row of pages.  Which means I’m getting closer to the heart of the design.  And no more plan sky pages!  Yay!  Of course I still have plan grass pages coming up too…

I’ve finished the second sunflower here and I love how it’s filled out, the different color combinations gives it a 3D effect, which you can see a little better in this close up.

I’m hoping to have this page finished by the end of next week, which is my realistic goal.

Ideally I’d like to start the next page and the Leo character, but I think that might be a little too ambitious for the time I have to work on it.