Middle of the Week Update

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Almost done with the mad week of business. I’ll be sure to give you plenty of updates next week, especially after the new round of classes start.  Which means, of course, that my cross-stitching time is going to start dwindling down to nothing. but it’s just one more adventure.

I wasn’t able to make good on my promise last week to finish out the page, but I did get pretty close.

For some reason the quality of this picture didn’t come out too well, I think it was too dark and the colors look muted.  It’s actually pretty vibrant in person.  And as you can see I only have one full column left and a few little spaces before I’ve finished out the page.  Which means by next week I should have started on the central design of the piece.  FINALLY!

So how are your projects coming along this week?