Menstrual Cup Madness: Lunette Menstrual Cup

By Girlratesworld @girlratesworld

Continuing with the Menstrual Cup Madness, today we’re exploring the Lunette menstrual cup. The Lunette hails all the way from Finland. It is a durable, silicon based cup that can be used in place of sanitary napkins and tampons.

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It’s a matter of time: tampon vs menstrual cup

Using a Lunette is similar to using a tampon except you don’t have to change it as often. You also don’t run the risk of contracting Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) – one major side effect of wearing a tampon for too long. The lunette can be worn for 12 hours versus the tampon whose wear time is only 4 hours.

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4 steps to monthly freedom

The Lunette menstrual cup is placed internally where it collects menstrual flow. Use it, empty it, rinse and reuse it; the four steps that will save money, eliminate waste and reduce headaches.

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The menstrual cup with variety

The Lunette is one of the few menstrual cup manufacturers that not only offer multiple sizes, but also multiple designs and styles. You’re not limited to the clear/white colored silicon cups. It’s also one of the more expensive brands; the Lunette retails for $39.99 and is available on amazon and a very small selection of online retailers.

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Unboxing: The Lunette Menstrual Cup