Men's Health: Ask Your Pharmacist

By Juliepen @Julie_Penfold

Male readers, this year's Ask Your Pharmacist Week (5th-12th November) is all about you.

The aim is to help you feel more at ease walking into a pharmacy and chatting about your health and making better use of the free professional help that is available. Ask about anything that is concerning you, from health worries, information on medication side effects or insight on long-term medical conditions. You can also ask for tips and advice on general health and wellbeing such as boosting immunity, cutting down on smoking or improving sexual health.

Leicestershire-based Mistry's Pharmacy also offers an online pharmacy facility which is used by people across the UK. Typical men's health issues they advise on include product recommendations for sports injuries, muscle strains and enquiries on sexual health matters such as erectile dysfunction, which requires GP-prescribed medication.

"No matter how trivial or embarrassing your concern, pharmacy teams are well-trained to offer confidential advice," says Sanjay, one of the pharmacist's at Mistry's. "Pharmacists are very approachable and can guide you through any problem you may have, ensuring you leave with the right advice or product you need. There is no need to suffer alone - it's imperative to get professional advice as soon as possible, don't let a nagging problem get worse."

Go on, just ask...

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