Members Unite

By Asullivan @asullivan85

Giving is a large value that both my husband and I wanted to make sure Austin knew a LOT about. We try to lead by example by tithing our 10% or more, regularly cleaning out our closets for donations, and giving away everything extra (read: baby items that tend to take up your house).
This past weekend, I included Austin in the "Clean the Toy Box Extravaganza!' This consisted of him emptying the entire toy box, while I organized everything into piles of give, discuss, keep. Everything in the give pile went into a donation box. Discuss pile? I would ask Austin, "Would you like to keep this or give it to someone else to play with?" I know what you are thinking...he demanded we keep all of them. No, he didn't. He gets yes and no pretty well and decided to give a lot of things away.
That's why, when given the opportunity to participate and share Members Unite with you, I was thrilled. Being a member is actually pretty fun. It works off of a voting process, one month at a time. What are you voting for? Where your contribution will go! For a $5.00, $10.00, or $20.00 contribution, you can actually unite with others for the cause you love!
 First up, a list of 9 meaningful project concepts, complete with details and photos explaining the cause. It is up to the members to vote and decide which 6 projects move on to Week 2!
In Week 2, we get to vote again to narrow our choices down to 3 projects. Need more info about the remaining 6? To help you make an informed decision, Members Unite provides us with more details and context about each concept, how they plan to implement it, and will be available to answer questions and give specifics! I love a good educated vote. 

Week 3 Now its time to focus on the TOP 3! The conversation really gets going among the members. This is your time to tell everyone why you are so passionate about your project of choice! 

Week 4 is when members will cast their final vote for the project they think should be funded. Exciting stuff if you ask me. By the end of the week, votes will be tallied, and a winner will be announced! 

Once the voting process is complete, Members Unite  keeps you updated on the progress of the project. If that's not impressive, I don't know what is. I love seeing where my money goes! 

I hope you will consider joining me during this first week of voting! We decided $5.00 was what we would start with this month. If that seems like a do-able amount for your family, head on over and get signed up! And let me know if you do, you will get a pat on the back from me! :) 
So, what did we vote for this week? 
Give the Healing Power of Man’s Best Friend to Wounded Vets
"American soldiers put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms, and we need to work together to do our part to help them when they return home. In the course of their work, US soldiers often see and endure things most of us cannot even imagine. As a result, nearly 20% of the soldiers returning from places like Iraq and Afghanistan are likely to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Research has shown that one of the most effective treatments for helping vets cope with PTSD is the love of a dog. Soldier’s Best Friend is a philanthropic two-fer: they provide canine companions to veterans AND simultaneously find homes for dogs in shelters. If this project wins, we will be able to provide funding to rescue and train two dogs to provide love and support to two veterans and their families."
Why was this important to us? Well, my brother in law just came back from Afghanistan, this wasn't his first time to go....and , as you all know, we are huge dog lovers in our home. Beau Dean was a rescue dog and I truly believe he has helped me through some tough stuff. Not to mention Austin was all over the word "dog" when I read it to him. He hugs the dogs countless times a day...right after throwing a Hot Wheels at them. :) 
For a limited time, Members Unite is offering my community a 50% off discount on the annual membership fee of $25! Use code “WELOVEMOMS” when you sign up!