Meet Your Favorite Blogger. Plus a Chance to Win

By Everywhereonce @BWandering

Ever wonder what we’re like in person? No? Oh, well, then feel free to skip ahead to the contest details below.

For everyone else, you’ll have a chance to meet your favorite blogger, Shannon, at this weekend’s Texas Book Festival in Austin, October 26 & 27. She’ll be there to promote her new book, Writers Between the Covers: The Scandalous Romantic Lives of Legendary Literary Casanovas, Coquettes, and Cads

Be sure to stop by her Writers Between the Covers panel discussion on Sunday, October 27, where she’ll participate in some salacious “literary pillow talk” with fellow author Betsy Prioleau of Swoon: Great Seducers and Why Women Love Them. (The panel begins at 3:15 in the Capitol Extension Room E2.026.) Also keep an eye out for Shannon throughout the rest of the festival. She’ll be prowling around various events all weekend.

If you’re in the Austin area, please drop in for what is always a great celebration. The Texas Book Festival is free and open to the public. It is also held in the spectacular State Capitol Building, which is worth a visit all by itself. Throw in live music, great food, and dirty books and you have the makings of a fabulous weekend.

Enter to Win

Shannon is also graciously giving away some free copies of her latest book. Entering the contest is easy, and free. See details here.

Good luck.