Meet New People? App’s Want Us to Meet Each Other and It’s Fucking Weird.
By Kelly Speechless
There are a shit load of meet new people based web applications. Below are a few of them listed and by the way of course made for adults on mobile who apparently don’t have a local YMCA close by. Now let’s assume half of these are for video peep show shit and porn. That still leaves a bunch of weird shit happening behind those apps.
1. BFF’s
“Hey what are you doing tonight Kelly?”
“Oh nothing just meeting one of my new friends from my local area online. We are going to talk about the new makeup collections on beautylish. Then I think I am going to go meet some new friends what about you?”
YEA THE FUCK RIGHT!!! In a pig’s eye!
Even if it was ok for us to partake in this behavoir somehow we still wouldnt be ok.
So, you think that weird ass people do this shit. Right? OK, so you can’t be the only one wearing the normal badge and be ok. Your going into a place where you have already assumed some creepy people are in. You can’t mentally go there without being expecting something odd.
Guy’s who can usually get some and don’t have a sex addiction are not going to go the local friends route unless well this is you. So, to sum it up there is more likely to be some eager beavers in there who might be scarier sober.
One app similar to “meeting buddies and play games (video games),” left a review similar to this one,
BTW if the picture in the little square box by the review is real the estimated age 25-30.
“If you want to play games it’s fine. It’s not good for the chat option though. It’s obvious that most of these people abuse pornographic material. Not a good place to make a friend.”
Another popular app that allows you to meet new friends has screen shots of people in their winter gear doing normal “friendly,” laughing the the snow. Looks like an Old Navy COMMERCIAL for the winter.
“One girl left a comment rephrased: I would like it a lot better if there was a new way to search. It won’t let me search my username, or name ONLY LOCATION?”
That’s nice.
Meet Me, Meet New People!
Meet new friends local!
Meet, Talk, Friend
PenPal a friend is back
Meet New Friends
Meet New People and PLAY
Talk & Make Friends.
*If you have met a friend who lives close by when you were drunk uninstall and if you hear the doorbell , see a stranger consider calling the cops. Seriously.”