Meanwhile, Back at the Farm There Are Tiny Toads . . .

By Vickilane
Really tiny -- smaller than the last joint of my little finger. 
 All those tadpoles are out now and hopping about and we have to be careful not to step on them.

A lovely little toad . . .

And  another. 
                                         The Japanese irises are putting on a show!

                     And some calla lilies -- new this year and in pots for the time being.
Then there's the vegetable garden demanding my attention.

Thanks to abundant rain while I was gone, my tomatoes have grown  and so have the weeds.

I spent hours yesterday, unching along on my rear end, suckering the maters and hoeing the weeds away. Yes, I hoe sitting down because that way it doesn't bother my back and I'm down anyway to do the suckering and the fiddly weeds close to the tomato plants. It looks ridiculous but it works for me. There is more J.C. Campbell stuff to come in the next several days -- crafts and Morris dancing and an Indian feast!