Me, Myself, And I

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Sunday, March 05, 2006 at 4:42 PM EST

I love being a woman. I don’t know anything else. I love my breasts and i love my vagina, they belong to me. Carnal knowledge of a man does not make me a woman. Not wanting a man does not make me a lesbian. I am who i am, and who i am comes from within.

Born a female does not mean that i am weak, vulnerable, or docile. And it doesn’t mean that a man can break me down with so-called harsh words. I don’t know who came up with society’s definition of what a woman is supposed to be because i am the complete opposite.

I was born this way. I am smart, strong, independent, confident, trustworthy, and spiritually inclined. I’m not marriage material, but i’m mother material.

I was told that if i ever experience the penis i won’t be able to stay away from it. And those words came from a whore.

I knew that wasn’t true. My vagina has no use for the penis. It doesn’t need or want it. If a man can’t stimulate my mind he can’t stimulate my precious vagina. And i’m all woman, black and proud.

I am nowhere near ugly.

I’m not the best person in the world and i’m not the worst. However, i am enough for myself. I love who i am and what i can do. Some think that i’m crazy, some think that i’m just deep.

I don’t give a fuck because i know that i am unique.