Me And A Man

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Thursday, February 08, 2007 at 9:15 AM EST

I don’t understand why certain people are so concerned about me not wanting to have a man in my life. People have always judged me not for what i do but for the things that i do not do and it is really none of their business.

All of this man shit really didn’t get this big until after i severely hurt the feelings of three guys in the past by being very nasty toward them then coldly rejecting them because i did not want them and the outcome has really been ridiculous.

I have heard in my life of some men not being able to handle rejection very well, however, it is very sad when some get hurt so bad that they can’t move on by continuing to seek revenge through lies perpetuated by those who keep spreading them.

I don’t know what these niggers expect to happen to me. I am not going down. For some sick reason do to their stupid egos they want people to believe that my weakness is for a man and that i am the one who has been hurt by a man and i am so tired of this dumb bullshit.

People really need to grow up and get over the fact that i’m a happy, healthy, successful, independent woman who doesn’t and never has gave a fuck about a man.