Maybelline Baby Lips

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
If you haven't heard anything about the UK release of the Maybelline Baby Lips then you really must have been living under a rock as these lip balms have completely taken over the blogging world. I have far too many lip balms in my stash already but had to give in to the hype surrounding these new releases, and before you know it I was on the hunt for Baby Lips in every Boots & Superdrug near me. I eventually found a small selection of them left in one of the Glasgow Boots stores but unfortunately the scented versions were all gone, so I opted for the Intense Care version which comes in the yellow tube.

I tend to suffer from dry lips so a moisturising lip balm is a must have for me, so I guess it was a pretty good idea for me to pick up the Intense Care version rather than a scented balm which isn't as moisturising. Fate or what. The Intense Care balm is clear and has the slightest hint of a lemon scent which you can't taste when applied to the lips. I've found this balm to be great for keeping my lips moisturised during the day and what's even better is that this version includes SPF 20 which means your lips are also protected against the harmful rays of the sun (if it decides to come back anytime soon). I know some people aren't a fan of the bright and cartoony packaging but I love that it's something a bit different to your standard lip balm packaging. Whipping a tube of lip balm out of my bag has never felt better!
I think the real question is whether or not the Baby Lips are worth the hype. In the case of the Intense Care version, I have to say yes! This lip balm keeps my lips looking soft and hydrated throughout the day which is all I could really ask for, and the sun protection makes this even more perfect as a summer staple if you're still waiting to go on holiday. I'd still quite like to try one of the coloured versions of the Maybelline Baby Lips, preferably Pink Punch, but for now I'm very happy with my purchase. You can find Maybelline Baby Lips in selected Boots and Superdrug stores (and online too) although you might have a bit of trouble hunting them down until the hype dies down a little. The Baby Lips cost £2.99 which I'd happily pay again for a very hydrating lip balm.
Have you tried the Maybelline Baby Lips yet?