Maya Angelou’s ‘Last Tweet’ , Spoke Volumes.

By Jenrene

Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.

— Maya Angelou (@DrMayaAngelou) May 23, 2014

Maya Angelou passed away this week, and to honor her –  I must share, of course. I grew up  trying to figure  life out, understand myself and my idiosyncrasies  and she helped a lot and gave strength to my sense of identity as a young girl. I devoured her books, they took me journeys…  places I had never been,  and the places I have – S. Africa and her journeys to Africa and the lives she lived  and the ones she lost – her life has given mine more meaning…

Maya gave me intrigue about living… and being.

The movements she participated in,  times of silence (and her reasons why…) I can all identify with.  She was  so much like me. Her “womanness” and her strength serve as examples of strength, courage and wisdom  – to women all over the world.  I  treasure her name, her legacy and all she has left behind. How awesome.

A lot of people think listening God is so hard to do. I believe intuition is free, it doesn’t cost a cent, and it was given as a gift unto us. That gift, is: the voice of God within.

Whether you want to believe it or not, there is a voice inside of you.

This past Thursday, the group I help lead once a week: Celebrate Recovery had a special day for me: I gave my testimony.

Now, sharing your testimony can be quite a daring and daunting task. I found it to be somewhat relieving and scary, at the same time. yet I listened within. And I knew what would serve to speak well when I stood. I usually do. and this practice helps me to  live with fortitude.

Just remember this: God wants to be HEARD. And He is always speaking. Also, He doesn’t make things hard, we do. Just ask to hear his voice and work diligently at moving out the noise clutter in your life.

And have a little hope as you listen to yourself.