May Favorites w/ Ardency Inn, Kari Gran, NARS, FAB & Not Your Mother's

By Makeupguineapig @MakeUpGuineaPig
Well, May has come to a close and it is unofficially Summertime! I’m not gonna lie. May was not that kind to me and I’m only mildly sad to see it go. J I haven’t been sleeping very well which has kind of thrown everything off balance. Given that, I don’t really have a ton of favorites this time around. I may actually be able to keep it short and sweet for once! J So, here we go….

Firstly, skin care. As I mentioned in my post on Skin Care Game Changers, my skin seems to react well to glycolic acid. Since I am still trying to reduce the congestion in my skin, I turned to the First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads. I’m usually not a fan of pre-soaked products, but I’ve been using these in place of my toner at night and they have been helping a lot! They are drenched in lactic and glycolic acids to gently exfoliate, tone and brighten. They’re very gentle and have definitely helped break down a fair amount of the clogged areas of my face. Though I only have the smaller jar of these pads, they haven’t dried out at all, which is one of my biggest complaints with pre-soaked products. I think the screw on jar-like container helps maintain the moisture in the pad. I have the larger size of the Skin Rescue Blemish Patrol Pads as well and, though I’m just about finished, they haven’t dried out a bit. I would definitely recommend the Facial Radiance Pads to anyone having trouble with clogged pores, congestion, breakouts, dullness, or even dryness. Really, I think anyone could benefit from these! I just ordered the full size and intend to test out using them twice a day.

I guess this is still skin care – the Kari Gran Tinted Lip Whip! This is absolutely the best overnight treatment for your lips!!! I recently reviewed this little jar of magic, which you can read here. There’s really not a whole lot to say other than it’s wonderfully hydrating, softening, gentle, natural, cruelty free (obviously) and just lovely for the lips! Unfortunately it’s not Vegan, but if you’re ok with beeswax, then definitely give this a go! It’s not my favorite during-the-day kind of balm, partly because it’s in a pot, but I also find that I need to reapply quite often during the day and it’s not the best under lipsticks. However, as a lip treatment, there is no beating the Kari Gran Tinted Lip Whip! I wake up every morning with perfectly conditioned lips and I’m loving it. J

Moving on to hair, I’ve been grabbing for the Not Your Mother’s Clean Freak Refreshing Dry Shampoo a lot lately. I have had this can for quite a while, but rarely reach for it because I don’t really love the scent. It’s not bad, it just makes me think of a men’s hair product for some reason. I’ve managed to hold my breath long enough to spray it on my overly greasy hair and I’ve realized that it’s actually a fantastic dry shampoo! I don’t find that it leaves a white cast (as best I can tell, there is absolutely zero powdery residue), it doesn’t make my hair feel gritty or dirty or sticky, and it actually helps my hair to look like I may have washed it in the last 24 hours. J Perhaps best of all, it doesn’t make my scalp too itchy. I still try not to use it for more than a day or two before washing my hair again. I find most dry shampoos that are in spray form (and are more effective on those “I really needed to wash my hair” kinda days) almost always make my scalp really itchy and often flaky. The Not Your Mother’s Dry Shampoo is gentle, effective, not white and powdery, affordable, and definitely at the top on my list!

Another recently reviewed product from the month that have pretty much been the only lip colors I’ve been wearing are the Christopher Kane for NARS Lip Glosses. I really love these and I really can’t choose a favorite shade (I do not have “Nucleus,” but “Mezmer,” Nebulous,” and “Glow Pink” are fantastic!). The colors are kind of subtly bright, very comfortable, staining and really easy to slap on and go. I kind of wish NARS had more glosses in a staining formula like this. These are absolutely gorgeous shades though and I will be heartbroken when they’re gone. If you’d like to see a more detailed review, check it out here. I definitely would check out the Christopher Kane x NARS Lip Glosses.

The last product I will mention this month is something I’ve actually been using for quite a while, but just never mentioned. It is the Modster Smooth Ride Supercharged Eyeliner from Ardency Inn in Black. I tightline my upper lash line with this regularly, often not adding any other liner. It is so black, so pigmented and so creamy, plus it stays put! It’s another one of those smudge-able gel liners that won’t budge once it sets, but it’s so much better than the others! J It’s softer, creamier and blends better than most and it definitely is budge-proof once it sets. I do find that if I rub my eye, it can rub off of my upper waterline a bit, but it doesn’t transfer much if at all to my lower waterline (unlike everything else). It’s easy to apply and is surprisingly forgiving should you be a bit messy. Absolutely lovely! J These liners also come in a ton of fun and unusual colors which is always fun, especially in the summer. Definitely recommend giving the Ardency Inn Modster Liners a try, especially the black for thightlining…should it ever stay in stock for more than 2 minutes at a time! J

I guess that’s going to do it for May’s Favorites. Like I said, not a ton this month but enough to ramble on about. What I lack in quantity, I make up for with quality, right? J I hope your May has included more sleep than mine and I hope you’ve had a lovely month just generally speaking. J I’d love to know what some of your favorites have been throughout the month, so leave a comment telling us what your absolute can’t live without products have been in May. I’m always curious to know what other people are loving! Here’s to the last full month of Spring and a warm welcome to Summer! As always, thank you for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon!!! J