May 2016 Popsugar Must Have Mini Box Review

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc


PopSugar Must Have recently released a mini box. PopSugar Must Have is a monthly lifestyle subscription box. “Introducing a smaller version of our box of curated, full-sized products (note: items are different from monthly Must Have) including the best in fashion, beauty, and home for only $18.95, shipping included. Your subscription will auto-renew, so you get a little present every month!” These mini boxes include items separate from the FULL SIZE Must Have box. 

Cost: $18.95 + tax/month

Ships: To the US only


The box was a pink mini box. I couldn’t wait to dig in. I love that PopSugar Must Have includes a vast variety of different items



Zin Anything Zingo Tritan White ($12.99)

I actually really love this infuser bottle. I love the look of it and can’t wait to try it. I need to go to the grocery now and buy some citrus fruits.


H2O + Oasis Hydrating Treatment ($38)

This is a hydrating facial treatment. My skin always needs hydration I can’t wait to try this product! I love the blue color and it totally reminds me of summer. I need to go to a beach like right now!


This was a decent box! PopSugar Must Have mini box is not as great as the FULL version! However, they are just starting so I will cut them some slack. This box was better than last month so I hope they continue to improve. I really hope next month’s box is even better. I will use both of these items! I can’t wait to see wait the future holds for the mini box. PopSugar Must Have Mini Box box is an okay value with high-quality items. The total retail value of this box was $50.99! That is an okay deal for only $18.95!  I will continue to be a subscriber for a few months and see what happens. What did you think of this month’s box? Let me know in the comments below!