March Empties - Products I Have Used Up!

By Candyfairy

Whoever the genius was who started these kinds of blog/vlog posts I'd like to thank because not only do I love to watch and read about them, they have also motivated me to dig through my own stash of backed up bathroom goodies and start to use up the ones I have that have just been sitting around either unopened or used once or twice for god knows how long!
Recently on Beautyheaven, where I spend a lot of my time stalking the forums, I came across a thread called the 'Project 50 Plan'. This is a challenge to use up 50 products stashed in your bathroom whilst not buying any unnecessary items in between. The aim is to de-clutter, without wasting any items and reward yourself at the end. This has motivated me to begin this challenge and delve into the masses of products I have cluttering up my bathroom, one by one!
This is what I've managed to finish up so far this month...
Schwarzkopf Ultimate Oil Elixir Shampoo & Conditioner-I was sent these to trial from Beautyheaven, and as much as I enjoyed these products (especially the shimmery gold formula of the shampoo) of course something new always comes along when I'm half way through and I end up switching to something else. So I decided to go back and finish these babies up! 
First Glance White Pearl Nail Polish-Whilst I was digging through my cupboards and draws I came across this random polish that somehow got missed when I stored all my polishes in my new makeup draws.  It is pretty ancient, gluggy and completely unusable. Bye - bye! 
Clear Shampoo & Conditioner Sample Size-I received these samples in the mail a little while ago and figured starting off trying to use up as many samples as possible was probably going to be a more successful way to start. 
Schick Hydro Silk Razor Refill Blade-After seeing some poor girl die from a flesh eating disease from using an old razor that gave her a small cut one night whilst I was watching TV at some crazy hour it totally made me so much more aware about changing my blades often! 
Biore Nose Strip-I absolutely dispose having blocked pores, so I don't mind how often I use these. I have a few other brands to get through that will most likely feature in my next empties.
Natural Paw Paw Ointment-Apparently this can be used for pretty much anything, including as a moisturiser and on razor burns, which I found a patch on my calf stinging and itchy the other night after shaving, so I rubbed this all over my legs. Worked nicely. :)
Gillette Series Pre Shave Scrub-I have no idea where this sample size scrub came from, but I found it in amongst hubby's stash of samples & products I know he will never get to, so I figured it would make an all right all over body scrub. The scent was very manly, but it was quite a harsh, abrasive scrub, which I like and left my skin silky smooth and smelling great!
Who else is trying to work through their products?Have you blogged about it? Let me know as I would love to check yours out too. :)
                                         ♥ CandyFairy