Marathon Training: Part 2 - Cross Training

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Over the years I have learned a lot about marathoning. More than I want to put into one post so I created a 4-part series on marathon training.
  • Part 1: Running
  • Part 2: Cross Training
  • Part 3: Mindset
  • Part 4: Nutrition
Cross training, we all hear we need to do it but do we all do it? And if we are doing it, are we doing it right?
Over the years I have tried many, many times to implement cross training. I read about its importance and felt it should be added in but it often fell to the wayside. What I was trying on my own wasn't working. And in those years I actually had a gym membership, the classes were not at times I could go to them so I never did....except once. I did one spinning class. It was okay but that one class isn't going to reap the benefits I craved.
Also over the years I shunned lifting weights. A very ironic mindset considering in college I did take a weight training class and knew its importance and proper form. Hey, I also knew as an aging woman that lifting weights would be good for my bones. Help them stay strong. When I went dairy free the thought even crossed my mind that perhaps now was the time but nope, no real change.
I went forward in my normal marathon training of run, run, run and wasn't getting where I wanted to be. I wasn't achieving my big goals and in fact, I felt I was growing stagnant. And the workouts I was trying to add it never stuck.
One day as I flipped though a running magazine once again and saw a little 10 minute cross training circuit I decided to give it a whirl. And I did. 10 minutes a day for a bit but then I stumbled on something bigger and better. I am sure those 10 minutes were doing something but it wasn't until I jumped in with both feet, invested in myself and my future, and embraced a new challenge that I finally started seeing results.
I became a Beachbody coach! Ummm, yep, sometimes I jump into things with both feet. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a thoughtful jump. The jump took about a week to complete as I prayed, reached out to an old high school schoolmate and brother in Christ on his own fit journey, and wham, bam, thank you mam, I became a coach with a workout plan on its way. And my life changed.
DRASTICALLY CHANGED! And all for the better.

Time for a new transformation photo!

I am doing 30+ minutes of cross training each and every day (even on vacation) and I am seeing and feeling the difference. This has been going on since mid-May and in the past week my hubby has been commenting more on my appearance. He can see the changes now too! They say it takes others longer to see the changes you see. But this isn't just about building muscle and losing weight, it is about building a better me.
Cross training matters. The strength you gain matters for your marathon performance. Yes, these stronger arms and abs of mine will help carry me 26.2 miles but the confidence boost I get from doing the undoable matters too (but that is a later post in this series). Plus, I am stronger in all areas of life because of a deeper commitment to personal development.
In a nutshell, I am working my upper and lower body, I am doing Plyo, yoga, weight lifting, resistance band work, dancing, and so much more....all this on top of running every single day. Some days are AM workout only days, some are AM and PM workout days. I am getting it done and sweating myself happy!
I don't think I will ever be able to write another running plan without cross training in it and if you are training for a marathon --- cross train --- it matters and I would be honored to be your coach. Not only am a Beachbody coach but I am a certified running coach. Email me for more information.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for today's post workout burn.

Daily Bible Verse: I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 3:14